Cinobo means cinema no borders

Cinema with vision and diversity. Cinema that defies rules and stereotypes and explores cultures. Cinema that entertains. Cinema that makes you feel, laugh, and think. Cinema no borders means cinematic experience and entertainment without limits.

The formation of a vibrant community which through cinema discusses and opens up, curates, creates and shares what it watches. With independent, festival, classic and Greek cinema as a vehicle, we invite film lovers to enjoy and shape the cinema of the future.

Our team

Just like making a film, it all began from an idea. How could passion and enthusiasm for film be translated into a streaming service? A streaming service that would not be chaotic, a streaming service where recommendations come from humans, not machines, a streaming service where you cannot decide what to watch first because it is all just too good?! A streaming service that finally gathers all the films you need to watch before you die, in one place! The idea became a script - a script that thankfully was not science fiction - by two young cinema-lovers from Thessaloniki, Greece. They developed the idea and once the final draft was ready, the team grew, the cameras rolled, the editing was finalised and the premiere took place in March 2020.

We probably won’t make a sequel, but we are improving the prototype every single day. We started in the pandemic and today we are being followed by a passionate community of tens of thousands cinema-lovers that have left the pandemic behind them. We started making great cinema available for streaming and today we bring films to the big screen too, in cinemas. We started as a team of two and today we are 19. Nineteen people from completely different backgrounds, with one common denominator. The belief that cinema can truly change the world. We spend most of our day speaking about films. We analyse them, we love them, we hate them, they depress us, they excite us, they trouble us. They make us see the world from a different angle. Yet, the goal always remains the same: find the best films in the whole wide world, curate them and present them in the best possible way and make them accessible, anywhere, anytime.

Life at Cinobo

We work from our pet friendly office in Exarchia, but we have rarely been all in the same place at the same time. We have worked from half of Attica, Thessaloniki, Halkidiki, the islands, beaches, mountains and flatlands of the country, from Cannes, London and Stockholm - thank you Slack.

We walk the streets of the center of Athens holding bags and if we hold them a little tight it's because they contain hard drives intended for subtitling companies and cinemas. But before that, we go around Greek and world festivals to discover and bring home the films that will fill those hard drives (and our lives!).

The bell of the Cinobo office rings frequently, and it’s not just our external partners, but also Greek creators with whom we have much more to share than their films. Without them, Cinobo would not be the same. During the lunch break (the what?) we talk about the last movie we watched at the cinema and the next one we will distribute. Sometimes we also decorate the space in its theme - it's not always easy, how can you decorate based on Decision to Leave?

We've argued about everything one could argue about when it comes to movies, but in the end we're always having drinks and excitedly discussing all the new things we want to do in Cinobo. The work is plenty, the daily life is full, but the hours spent at Cinobo are more than worth it. For us, in a way, life is like a movie.


What others say about Cinobo

In the first days of the quarantine, the news of the launch of a new Greek streaming platform full of movies that have been on my watchlist for a long time was definitely the most pleasant thing that appeared on my timeline. I subscribed right away and I still remember my excitement the night I watched Francois Truffaut's “400 Blows”. And the very next day "Mauvais Sang" by Leos Carax. Movies that I wanted to watch for years, but the equation "decent copy, subtitles, availability when I want" was often a deterrent.Alexandros Diakosavvas, Lifo
Through Cinobo mobile and home devices become a permanent personal film festival that enables everyone to watch an unlimited selection of cinema content from around the world.Editorial Team, Flix
The founder decided to investigate through the "microscope" of the big screen how Greece would react to an experiment where quality cinema would be collected and directly accessible on one platform. The results gave birth to the first Greek streaming platform with movie gems from dozens Festivals of the world and not only. But above all, a cinema (with) no borders. For those who love to live "without patterns and limitations".Efthymios Savvakis, Vogue
Fresh arrival in entertainment that aspires to change the way we watch cinema in Greece. At Cinobo. All the arthouse movies you'd like to see, with Greek subtitles, are just a few clicks away.Yannis Kantea-Papadopoulos, Athinorama
I had heard about this platform and was pleasantly surprised when I found out both how affordable it is and how great the movies you find there are - most of which I couldn't find anywhere else. I was sure there was a big team behind it, with funds and know-how. I didn't even know it was Greek. And then I find out that this whole wonderful thing was run by a group of young people, about 10 of them at the time, and that it was set up by a 26 year old girl, based in Athens’ Exarchia!Nora Ralli, Efimerida Syntakton
Nowadays, as quarantine veterans, seeing normal screenings in closed spaces only in our dreams, we found shelter in Cinobo. And not because Netflix is flooded with garbage. Not because we scorn the beloved, public Ertflix. But because Cinobo, with amazing pace, knowledge and professionalism, simply became irresistible.Vena Georgakopoulou, Efimerida Syntakton
A new effort, characterized by many as the "Greek Netflix", but leads another way, that of high quality cinema.Yannis Gkrosdanis, Parallaxi Magazine
The Greek answer to streaming, one of the few national products that make us feel proud for being children of the 21st century. Just movies, no series. But what kind of movies? A collection of Greek cinema of the last decades (Lanthimos, Panos Koutras, Athena Rachel Tsangari and so on), festival hits from Cannes to Sundance and the Thessaloniki Festival, great directors like Kieslowski, Truffaut, Wim Wenders etc, everything the Balkans have produced in recent years, American indies and a touch of mainstream, to take a break from the “heavy” arthouse.Iro Kounadi, in2life
Cinobo guides you to the 7th art with dynamic collections, timely suggestions and thematic categories curated by people with experience and love for cinema.Sofia Paftounou, iefimerida
Cinobo is the Greek answer to Netflix’s gap in terms of quality cinema. They say it is the Greek answer to Netflix, but in fact it is something beyond that, as it used the great gap that exists in Greek and foreign platforms when it comes to independent cinema and its hidden gems.Cleopatra Patlaki, Proto Thema
The truth is that its arrival filled a great gap, that of our access to the world of global and especially Greek independent cinema. Cinobo's main goal for this beginning was to promote Greek cinema. And it succeeded, as it already offers the largest library of contemporary Greek cinema currently available in Greece.The platform now hosts Greek directors such as Koutras, Lanthimos, Cacoyannis, Psykou, Koutsiabasakos, Tsiolis and many others.Georgia Oikonomou, News247
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