The Love Letter
- Jérôme Bonnell
- 2021
- 1h 29m
- France
What would you write in a letter to your better half, to prevent the end of your love story? And how long would it take you to write it? The exceptional Grégory Montel (Call My Agent) brings heart and tension to a romantic dramedy like the ones only the French know how to make.
After a drunken night, Jonas spontaneously decides to visit his ex, Léa, with whom he’s still in love. Despite the passion between them, Léa rejects him. Feeling disappointed, Jonas enters the cafe across the street to write her a letter, ignoring his obligations and causing the owner’s curiosity. And the day has just started…

Also known as
Chère Léa | Αγαπητή Λεά
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