They Glow in the Dark

Λάμπουν στο ΣκοτάδιPanagiotis Evangelidis2013
Λάμπουν στο Σκοτάδι
Tilos weddings, of crucial significance to the history of LGBTQI+ rights in our country, are now the When physical and psychological pain overwhelms most of your day, hope shines like a little light in the darkness similar to that of the ceramic dolls of the two main characters. An outstanding connection of personal experiences with space and an anthem to mutual support.of a documentary that befits them nd immortalized with nostalgia and emotion, as a precious testimony for future generations.
Λάμπουν στο Σκοτάδι
Length:1h 9m
Genre:Ντοκιμαντέρ, Βιογραφικό

Best Documentary

Hellenic Film Academy



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