A King in New York
- Charles Chaplin
- 1957
- 1h 45m
- UK
Charlie Chaplin's final starring role. A comical and satirical view into the McCarthyism period, written and directed by the Hollywood legend while in exile from the U.S., where the movie premiered 15 years overdue.
When a European monarch is exiled from his country by its rebels, he will seek refuge in New York during the '50s, with nothing of his own. Having done theater in the past, he will get a job in TV commercials and he will accidentally become a celebrity. But soon everything will take an unexpected turn since, as soon as he becomes friends with a 10-year-old boy, he will be accused of being a communist.

Also known as
Ένας Βασιλιάς στη Νέα Υόρκη