- Claudio Giovannesi
- 2019
- 1h 51m
- Italy
Robberies, guns, drugs, mob-like shakedowns and murders: all part of a day’s life for some dangerous parts of Naples, and a group of 15-year-olds who decide to have a taste of this life. From Roberto Saviano (Gomorrah), a story about an unseen world where there is no place for innocence.
Naples. 15-year-old Nicola and his friends look like all the other kids their age: they just want to have fun and make some money to buy fancy clothes, gadgets and scooters. But this is no ordinary group of boys: they hang around the rough parts of town, thirsty for power, playing with guns and mimicking the mobsters around them. They experience war with the carelessness οf youth, but their crimes will soon lead to the loss of love and friendship.

Best Screenplay
Berlin International Film Festival