The Quake
- John Andreas Andersen
- 2018
- 1h 46m
- Norway
A different view in disaster films, “The Wave”’s sequel knows where and when to place its special effects, leaving aside the pointless noise and focuses on small family stories that occur during chaos.
In 1904 an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 on the Richter scale shook Oslo, with an epicenter in the "Oslo Graben" which runs under the Norwegian capital. Smaller scale earthquakes happen in the area till this day. Geologists aren’t sure, but there are signs that an extremely powerful quake is likely to happen in Oslo’s near future. When this will happen, no one can tell for sure. Maybe in 100 years, maybe in 10, maybe tomorrow.

Also known as
Skjelvet | Ο Σεισμός
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