What do we See when we Look at the Sky?

What do we See when we Look at the Sky?

  • Aleksandre Koberidze
  • 2021
  • 2h 30m
  • Georgia, Germany

A fairytale enigma, a cinematic poem, a sweet testament to a city and all those who give it life, Aleksandre Koberidze's second feature film is a magical spell that will nestle in every heart that will let it.


When Lisa and Giorgi meet by chance on a street in Kutaisi, they fall in love at first sight. Before they part ways, they agree to meet the next day. But little do they know that fate has something different in store for them. Will they manage to meet again? And if so, will they know who they are? Life goes on as normal in their town, with stray dogs on the streets, the World Cup kicking off and a film production team in search of true love.

What do we See when we Look at the Sky?
Also known as
Ras Vkhedavt, Rodesac cas Vukurebt? | Τι Βλέπουμε όταν Κοιτάμε τον Ουρανό;
Festival screenings
Age rating


Berlin Film Festival


Official Selection

San Sebastian Film Festival


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