Captain Volkonogov Escaped
- Aleksey Chupov, Natasha Merkulova
- 2021
- 2h
- Russia, France, Estonia
Postmodern parable with elements of a mystical thriller and an action film, centered on a Soviet executioner who discovers that he has a soul. But is there a heaven for executioners? Narrative that refers to the great classics of Russian literature, and a participation in the Venice Film Festival.
Captain Fyodor Volkonogov, a respected and docile law enforcement officer of the Soviet Union, witnesses some suspicious interrogations that his colleagues go through. Sensing that his turn is approaching, he escapes and is soon on the run, pursued by his former colleagues. Vulnerable and desperate, he realizes what he has done, but his time is running out and the manhunter's noose closes tightly.

Also known as
Kapitan Volkonogov Βezhal | Ο Σύντροφος Βολκονόγκοφ Απέδρασε
Official Selection
Venice Film Festival
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