- Alexander Nanau
- 2019
- 1h 49m
- Romania, Luxembourg, Germany
Sublime mixture of modern investigative documentary and proper political thriller, with tension and suspense that grip spectators as they watch incredible revelations about state corruption in Romania come to life. Nominated for 2 Oscars and winner of multiple festival awards worldwide.
In 2015, a fire at Bucharest’s Colectiv club leaves 27 dead and 180 injured. Soon, more burn victims begin dying in hospitals from wounds that were not life-threatening. A team of investigative journalists take action to uncover vast corruption that has overrun the healthcare system and other state sectors. Collective follows the journalists, public interest witnesses and government officials, and is a poignant and clear look on the price of corruption and the cost of truth.

Nominated for Best Foreign Language Film
Nominated for Best Documentary
Best European Documentary
European Film Awards
LUX Audience Award
European Audience Awards