Enfant Terrible
- Oskar Roehler
- 2020
- 2h 14m
- Germany
If you want to find out encyclopaedic details about R.W. Fassbinder's life, just google them. Now how these could be rendered in a film that is meant to resemble his life is a different question, one answered by Oskar Roehler's brave film, an authentic homage to the director's filmmaking.
When, in 1967, the 22year-old Rainer Werner Fassbinder takes charge of the Anti-Theatre stage in Munich, no one suspects that this insolent guy will become one of the most important post-war German filmmakers. His films premiere in some of the biggest film festivals in the world, and are either adored or loathed by the audience, the critics and other filmmakers. His rage as well as his deep desire for love, make him the most important and the most radical filmmaker, an enfant terrible.