Jane B. for Agnes V.
- Agnès Varda
- 1988
- 1h 37m
- France
The fear of middle age is turned on its head to create a sense of freedom. Jane Birkin once confessed to Agnes Varda that turning 40 terrified her, so the director decided to create her portrait. A playful and original film and an exploration of the sacred bond between director and actor.
A kaleidoscopic examination and study of the actress as a woman, mother, muse, idol. The scenes of the "real" Jane Birkin, makeup-free and expressing a desire to be seen "as if I were as transparent, as anonymous as everyone else", are edited with cinematic fantasies of both the actress and director, in the form of renaissance portraits, comedies, thrillers.

Also known as
Jane B. par Agnès V. | Jane B. for Agnes V.
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