Songs from the Second Floor

Songs from the Second Floor

  • Roy Andersson
  • 2000
  • 1h 38m
  • Sweden, Norway, Germany, Denmark, France

Bergman and Tati find a common language in the former's homeland, thanks to Roy Anderson's inventive film in which the absurdity of everyday life meets the concerns of a society moving forward without a moral compass. One of the masterpieces of the 00s, first part of an informal trilogy.


At some unspecified time between the 1950s and today, somewhere in the northern hemisphere, things are not going well at all: A magician makes a tragic mistake and saws a man in half, a lost immigrant is beaten up in a busy street, an employee is fired after being humiliated for no apparent reason, and there's a traffic jam.

Songs from the Second Floor
Also known as
Sånger från Andra Våningen | Τραγούδια από τον Δεύτερο Όροφο
Festival screenings
Age rating

Jury Prize

Cannes Film Festival


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