The Accused
- Gonzalo Tobal
- 2018
- 1h 48m
- Argentina, Mexico
Nominated for a Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, a fast-paced mystery court drama that ends up criticizing the bourgeoisie and the nightmarish power of the media. Family ties, adolescence and a charismatic young protagonist.
Dolores, a college student from a wealthy family, sees her life change when her best friend is brutally murdered. Two years later, she remains the only person accused of the crime and is at the center of unprecedented publicity. The world, the media, the neighbors and every citizen of the country has their own opinion about Dolores. But is she herself the perpetrator of the case or just another collateral victim?

Also known as
Acusada | Η Κατηγορούμενη
Official Selection - International Competition
Venice Film Festival
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