The Charmer

The Charmer

  • Milad Alami
  • 2017
  • 1h 40m
  • Denmark, Sweden

An intuitive and contemporary drama of escalating tension, by a talented director who dares to offer a different perspective on the notions of identity, homeland and desire in a multicultural Europe of contradictions.


A polite and personable 30-year-old man from Iran lives in Denmark. He's always flirting with women and wants to get married soon. His residence permit expires within days so he tries to seduce different women, in a desperate attempt to secure a future that wont include his return to Iran. Overwhelmed by the anguish of succeeding, he becomes more and more obsessed, until he meets an Iranian woman living in Denmark who savvys his plans at once.

The Charmer
Also known as
Charmøren | Με Διαβατήριο τη Γοητεία
Festival screenings
Age rating

Official Selection

Athens International Film Festival


Fedeora Award

San Sebastián International Film Festival


Creative Europe Media
European Union
elevate web