Chronicle of the Years of Fire

Chronicle of the Years of Fire

  • Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina
  • 1975
  • 2h 57m
  • Algeria

Golden Palm winner in Cannes in 1975 for an epic and meticulous account of the Algerian war starring our own Yorgo Voyagis, presented here restored with the conrtibution of Martin Scorsese's Film Foundation.


A meticulous chronicle of the development of the Algerian nationalist movement from 1939 until the start of the revolution on 1 November 1954. Ahmed gradually awakens to political consciousness against colonization, under the gaze of his son, symbol of the new Algeria.

Chronicle of the Years of Fire
Also known as
Ahdat Sanawovach El-Djamr | Τα Χρόνια της Φωτιάς
Festival screenings
Age rating

Palme d'Or

Cannes Film Festival


Creative Europe Media
European Union
elevate web