Your profile
is your personal space to curate as an active member of Cinobo, the greatest community of cinema lovers in Greece! Personalize your profile by selecting your profile name, your profile picture and your cover photo. All your ratings, reviews and lists will be automatically posted on your profile. You can share your whole profile, or individual reviews and lists with your friends (whether they have Cinobo or not). Join now and help the movies you love reach as many people as possible.
Your profile is public. It can be accessed by anyone with a link to it, or anyone who clicks on it after reading one of your reviews on a film’s page.
You can only access your profile from It is not available on the smartphone, tablet or smart TV app.
Your Watchlist (which is where you add all the films you want to watch) is not part of your public profile. You will find it on the Films tab and can’t be seen by your profile visitors.