Morning of the Earth

Morning of the Earth

  • Albert Falzon
  • 1972
  • 1h 19m
  • Australia

How long would you fight to find the perfect wave? The documentary that changed surf culture became the first to film surfers riding the waves at the southern tip of Bali, helping the country become a massive tourist destination. A documentary full of action, wild beauty, and the search for harmony around - and in - the sea.


A group of surfers learn to live in spiritual harmony with nature, making their own boards - and houses - as they travel to various countries in search of the perfect wave in northeastern Australia, Bali and Hawaii.

Morning of the Earth
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Ενδιαφέρουσα καλοκαιρινή πρόταση από το Cinobo

Λίγο μονότονο, αλλά επειδή αγαπώ obscure ταινίες, ειδικά όταν αφήνουν πρωτίστως εικόνα και μουσική να μιλήσουν, μου ψιλοάρεσε. Χαριτωμένα καλοκαιρινά vibes.

19 Jul 2024

Creative Europe Media
European Union
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