There was No Other Way
- Stavros Psyllakis
- 2009
- 1h 27m
- Greece
Stavros Psyllakis’s unforgettable documentary was the first ever documentary to be honored by the Greek Film Academy. It draws inspiration from a sad story, a remnant of the civil war, that turns it into a monument of benevolence through its heroes' memories.
In Crete, part of the Democratic army survived even after the Civil War had ended. These outlaw radicals, hid for about 14 years near Chania, trying to regroup the illegal organizations. In 1962, six of them escaped through Italy to Tashkent. The three that survived compose the main characters of the documentary. This story’s equally vibrant and ellusive "protagonists" and "unsung", beyond ideologies, embody something extremely important: a deep devotion to humans and their dignity.
Best Documentary
Hellenic Film Academy Awards
Best Film
Halkida Greek Documentary Festival
Audience Award
Nicosia Documentary Festival