Varda by Agnès
- Agnès Varda
- 2019
- 1h 59m
- France
Agnes Varda’s final film is an emotional journey through her life and work, with her as the guide. Never conventional, wonderful until the very end, Varda signs one of the most important cinematic farewells, European cinema has ever seen.
Agnes Varda, photographer, installation artist and Nouvelle Vague pioneer is a French cinema institution. Slightly before her death, she sits in the director’s chair and, using photographs and clips from her films, talks about her unorthodox oeuvre. Either in front of the camera, or behind it, Varda tells stories through images and avoids conventional narrative methods. With her collaborators, they transport the viewer to a journey of extraordinary images.

Also known as
Varda par Agnès | Η Ανιές με τα Λόγια της Βαρντά