Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach

Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach

  • Louise Osmond
  • 2016
  • 1h 33m
  • UK

How does Ken Loach's life, work and politics fit into a documentary? He has been awarded worldwide, he has been loved by the public and he has not stopped bothering the establishment for 50 years. "Versus" is the ultimate accompaniment for any fan of the legendary creator.


A full documentary that presents a sincere background of Ken Loach's career as he prepares to release “I, Daniel Blake”, with exclusive access to the set being the springboard for a look at his course, from his early work as a director of a theatrical farce to his television dramas and multi-award winning films. The story is narrated, in addition to himself, by friends and enemies such as Paul Laverty, Gabriel Byrne, Cillian Murphy, Ricky Tomlinson, Alan Parker and Barry Ackroyd.

Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach
Also known as
H Ζωή και οι Ταινίες του Κεν Λόουτς
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Η πολιτική πλευρά του Κεν Λόουτς

Αδυνατώντας να μην αδράξει την πολιτική συγκυρία της ανόδου των συντηρητικών στην Αγγλία, λίγο μετά την δεδηλωμένη απόσυρσή του, ο Κεν Λόουτς επιστρέφει στον κόσμο της σκηνοθεσίας ταινιών μεγάλου μήκο...

01 Oct 2023



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