Short Gypsy Stories

Short Gypsy Stories

  • Stavros Psyllakis
  • 2014
  • 1h 7m
  • Greece

"How can you fly without wings?"... is the protagonist's soliloquy in Stavros Psyllakis' new film. Gypsy stories of people who live, dream and hope. The film looks deeply into the eyes of the protagonists.


Athanasia, Theodoros, George and Chrysoula live and move around Zefyri, Menidi and the wider region. They no longer live in chattels and camps, but in a modern urban environment, each according to what they can afford. Their children and grandchildren are trying to educate themselves. Through small stories about their lives, each of them slowly unfolds his own special personality. They become people with dreams, hopes and disappointments, but also with an ancestry that has importance.

Short Gypsy Stories
Also known as
Mikres Istories Roma | Μικρές Ιστορίες Ρομά

Second Prize for Social-Political Documentary

Kastellorizo Documentary Festival


Best Film

Ierapetra Documentary Fesstival


Creative Europe Media
European Union
elevate web